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Friday, October 31, 2008

Do Inversion Table Therapy Work?

What is inversion table?

Inversion table is an exercises table that is designed in such a way that your feet is placed higher than your head. As a result it reduces the bad effect of gravity. These tables put your body upside down so that you feel the opposite effect of the gravity.

Most of the doctors and physical therapist recommended to their patients with back pain. In fact for these patients most medical practitioners recommended inversion table exercise.

Inversion tables are design into many different sizes and styles.They are many different brands available on the market.

Some of these tables are big, not easy to operate or move around, expensive and could cause injury if not operate correctly. Some of them are design to be portable, perfectly fit into a small storage space.

Some inversion tables are designed to be multi functional, could also be used as a regular exercise machine. The cost of the equipmentare varies with the features and functions. Such as a manual operated inversion table are a lot cheaper compared to the power inversion table.

They differ in the amount of weight that each one can sustain and also in the period of durability. You could get warranty from some of the manufacturers.

What are other benefits of inversion table?

The table is especially effective for people with lower back pain, since the gravity helps to stretch the back bone. As a result it provides a great relief from the lower back pain.

Inversion table exercises are especially helpful for older people. Largely back problems are caused by the aging process. Back pain is the result of gravity that is constantly pulling down for a long period of time.

Inversion therapy is not new. It has been around for thousands of years.

It is known that inversion table therapy could improve blood circulation, reduce compression fatigue, reduce stress and increase relaxation. It is also effective for stress headache treatment.

Those who tried this treatment believed that it can increase flexibility in movement for older people and reduce the effects of aging caused by gravity.

Some of the doctors from western countries refuse to recommend inversion therapy to their patients. No doubt the benefit of inversion therapy is proven. The therapy not only.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Back Pain Inversion Table

What is inversion table?

Inversion table is an exercises table that is designed in such a way that your feet is placed higher than your head. As a result it reduces the bad effect of gravity. In fact these tables position your body upside down, so the gravity works in the opposite direction.

Most of the doctors and physical therapist recommended to their patients with back pain. Many doctors and therapist recommended inversion table exercise for these patients.

Inversion tables are design into many different sizes and styles.They are many different brands available on the market.

Certain design of the table are complicated, big size and difficult to operate. There are some small design that can fit into a small apartment living room.

Some inversion tables could also be used as a workout machine that you can exercise other body parts. The price tag is labeled according to the features and functionality. For examples power inversion tables are more expensive than the manually operated one.

Each of the equipment could only hold certain weight and will last in a limited time. Some of the manufacturers offer warranty while others are not.

What are other benefits of inversion table?

The table is especially effective for people with lower back pain, since the gravity helps to stretch the back bone. As a result it provides a great relief from the lower back pain.

Inversion table exercises are especially helpful for older people. Largely back problems are caused by the aging process. Back pain is the result of gravity that is constantly pulling down for a long period of time.

Inversion therapy is not new. It has been around for thousands of years.

It is  claimed that the use of inversion table could improve blood circulation, helps to lessen compression fatigue and as a result reduces stress and promotes relaxation. It is also used for treatment of stress headaches.

Those who tried this treatment believed that it can increase flexibility in movement for older people and reduce the effects of aging caused by gravity.

Some of the doctors from western countries refuse to recommend inversion therapy to their patients. No doubt the benefit of inversion therapy is proven. Such therapy is known to help improve posture,lessen back pain,better blood circulation and increase flexibility.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Back and Neck Stretching Routines for Beginners

There's a vast array of stretching routines that target your back and neck, most of them easy and effective. If you're just starting out, try these simple techniques to help you loosen up.

Simple Back Stretch

A highly beneficial stretch for your spine is the basic back stretch. Follow these directions: Stand upright, contract your abdominal muscles while bending forward at your hips, and lower your hands to the floor. Then relax your head down and push with your fingertips while you feel the stretch in your back. Hold the position for 30 seconds (build up to this amount of time if you find it difficult at the beginning).

Wide Back and Shoulder Stretch

This move follows right after the basic back stretch. While your hands are still on the floor, stand with your feet wide apart and your arms positioned on the inside of your legs. Take your hands off the floor and grasp your ankles by wrapping your arms around the back of your calves. Pull gently with the hands, thereby opening up the shoulders and stretching the upper back. Hold this position for up to 30 seconds.

Shoulder Rolls

Shoulder rolls are the easiest stretches around. Sit or stand comfortably, then rotate your shoulders up, back, down and forward, in that order. Begin with a small circular movement, then gradually increase it to a larger circle. Perform 10 circles going backwards, and then switch directions and do 10 reps forward.

Don't forget that a stitch in time saves nine; take care that you avoid movements and actions that will cause back and neck pain. Maintaining good posture is essential. Be extra cautious when you're lifting a heavy item. You need to bend down, then use your legs instead of your back to carry the load when you lift.

Your sleeping arrangements also have a role in minimizing lower back pain and neck soreness. You need a supportive mattress and pillow, and make sure the room temperature is comfortable so you're not tossing and turning all night long. Stretching lightly just before you go to bed will lead to relaxed muscles and a peaceful sleep.

Monday, October 20, 2008

what causes back pain and how to protect your back

The real doubt in many peoples’ minds is: causes back pain ? To understand the right answer for this question you got to first observe the structure of the spine, muscle as well as ligament system. Moment you have observed the cause you may then decide on a treatment which can alleviate the pain. Many a weekmight be needed to acheive a painless back, of course the efforts are well rewarded. So, let’s get started on finding the real causes of lower back pain.

The causes for lower back pain can be many. Make it a point to understand the spine structure ahead of finding out what causes back pain. The spine has been mainly divided as 3 main sections.

* Cervical curve at the neck

* Thoracic curve in the upper and middle back

* Lumbosacral curve in the lower back

The lower back lumbosacral curve is composed of five vertebrae, and each of these five vertebrae perform lot of the hard spine work. Each and every one of these vertebrae, and bones, are responsible for carrying almost all the weight and naturally ail ina lot of activities like lifting. You might have often observed people rejecting to lift with the help of legs instead of the back.

If the spine needs to work properly, then back muscles must be very healthy and fit. The whole of the back possesses a series of muscles along, but the erector spine muscles run through the lower back vertebrae. low back pain causes are often these muscles and can even cause muscle spasms in the lower back. Various other muscles are connecting vertebrae and the front of the body with the back. When you observe this intricate design of human body you can’t help but be amazed.

The causes for lower back pain can also be attributed to several problems related to the spinal bones and muscles. The beginning of the pain can be either from vertebrae or from the muscles. The reason can occassionally be because of a variety of problems in both. This lets it to be even more difficult during diagnosis to find root cause of the pain. If understood clearly you get to know that, the lower back is a part of the bone, muscle and ligaments system. Very often pain therapies help the back as a whole if one desires to develop a strong back resistant to any damage.

The causes for lower backpain in many cases are because of ligament injury and strain. Most of the time you hear many claiming that their lower back hurts because they “twisted wrong” or lifted something they shouldn’t have lifted. Many guys complain that their lower back pain causes are because of both muscle or ligament problems, and a disc problem. Often doctors warn the patients to be aware of the back problems early or otherwise they may have lost the balance in the back. Have you ever seen a painful leg leading to even more painful hip just because of walking improperly, and then you could have already known how this happens.

causes for lower back pain can also include herniated discs, muscle strain, ligament tears or sprains, slipping vertebrae, inflammation of the spinal joints just to name a few.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Apnea - Potentially deadly if not diagnosed

Although vastly underdiagnosed and virtually untreated, sleep apnea can contribute to high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems and strokes. It also can be deadly.  

In one study, Stanford University researchers looked at 159 truck drivers. They found that 79 percent had sleep apnea, and many were unable to control when they fell asleep driving. In another study looking at accidents in which drivers fell asleep at the wheel, 87 percent of the drivers died, taking with them one or two other people.  

Men suffer from the condition almost three times more often than women, , in part because of anatomical differences in the upper airways. But because many women who suffer from it are post-menopausal, there is some speculation it also may be hormone-related, he said.  

The most common and severe form of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea. In many cases, it's caused by sagging muscles at the base of the throat, enlarged tonsils, a small airway opening or a large tongue, according to the American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine. In about 20 percent of cases, being overweight is a major cause of the problem.

Obstructing the airway makes breathing labored and causes loud snoring. If there is complete blockage, the breathing stops altogether and the sleeper is briefly silent. This makes the diaphragm and chest muscles work harder; the sleeper gasps and briefly awakes as breathing is started again.

In central sleep apnea, the airway is opened but the diaphragm and chest muscles don't work, perhaps because of a disturbance in the brain's regulation of breathing during sleep, according to the AMA encyclopedia.

If you suspect you're suffering from sleep apnea, talk to your doctor, who may refer you to a lab where your sleep can be monitored. Losing weight and avoiding alcohol before bedtime may help. Wearing a mask attached to an air compressor that forces oxygen into the airway is an effective treatment for severe cases. And surgery that removes excess tissue from the throat is another possibility.  

First think through what you want from the doctor and make it clear to him or her. For instance, if you go to the doctor with lower back pain and your blood pressure is high, your doctor may concentrate on treating the blood pressure because it's potentially life-threatening. However you should make it clear the back pain is still something you want treated. Second, ask questions. Studies show patients who ask questions do better, he said.

Third, be honest about what you can and can't do. If you can't take your medicine four times a day, tell the doctor. Maybe he can give it to you in another form. If you can't diet or exercise, it's important the doctor knows this, too.

Wake up happy! Discover the proven sleep apnea treatments that guarantee a healthy and restful sleep! To grab your free report go to Best Sleep Apnea Treatments

Saturday, October 18, 2008

An Operation May Not Be The Best Treatment For Spinal Pain

It used to be that if a person was being tormented by lower back aches their physician would usually recommend that an operation be done to take care of the problem. After the operation, the individual would usually be put on bed rest for a few weeks, and after that, if all went well, their back would be improved - unless it wasn’t. In the past, many experts concluded, there was ill-advised back operations being done. A majority of people were not any healthier after the surgery, and many were worse than they had been previous to the operation.
Recently, studies have shown that most chronic spinal disorders, even lower back pain, will improve on its own without medical intervention, given rest and time. In truth, for many back ailments, all other alternatives should be explored before arranging for surgery on the back. Less than one percent of all back pain sufferers ever really need medical intervention for their back ailment, nevertheless, four out of every five patients have back pain at some point in their lifetime.

Who Should Have A Back Operation?

Normally, chiropractors believe that surgery only be performed if other techniques have been exhausted and were ineffective at treating the back pain (or if the pain comes back), the pain is notably having an impact on a person's every day life, or if left alone the back condition could deteriorate into a more severe state.

Non-Surgical Options

Physical therapy can be an exceptional means to aid the back and spine in its healing process. In addition to the unique exercises, many times the physical therapist will implement additional procedures, such as heat or cold therapy that eases swelling and pain and muscle spasms, ultrasounds that use sound waves to improve and promote circulation while at the same time easing swelling, pain and muscle spasms, massage, spinal traction, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) which utilizes a painless electrical current on specific nerves to reduce pain and increase movement of the back, and water therapy.

A large number of patients find relief by using medication to relieve their back problems. There are numerous kinds, some over-the-counter and others that require a prescription. They include muscle relaxants, analgesics and NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Friday, October 17, 2008

"How To Organise Managment Stress And Start Living!"

"How To Find Out If Management Stress Is Causing You To Suffer Anxiety Attacks"

Management stress is a normal facet in our lives. We thrive on a little management stress because it keeps us focused and enables us to stay mentally alert. Sometimes, though, management stress can get out of control and cause us to have anxiety attacks.

The anxiety attacks can come on unnoticed and they can seem like everyday management stress related problems. If these attacks continue to go untreated, they can become out of control in an unsuspecting person.

Recognizing Anxiety Attacks

In order to recognize the indicators for an anxiety attack, you have to understand the symptoms of management stress first. Each person experiences management stress differently, but some of the general symptoms of management stress include problems with memory, confusion, difficulty in concentrating and racing thoughts.

You'll see some of those symptoms in anxiety attacks as well, but you'll notice more of the physical symptoms when an attack is occurring. Some people experience shortness of breath, pounding heart rhythm, trembling or shakiness within the body, stomachaches and hot or cold flashes.

When the attack has reached its high point, you'll notice a feeling of being out of control or losing a grip on yourself. Unfortunately, those experiencing anxiety attacks don't always recognize their symptoms as an attack.

If you believe you're having anxiety attacks

It sometimes takes someone else who knows them well to realize that there's something wrong. Once anxiety attacks are suspected in a person, they need to seek out medical attention from a professional who can determine if they're anxiety attacks and not another medical-related illness.

When the physician rules out anything medical and determines that they are anxiety attacks, he may start them on some type of medication to help relieve them of some of the symptoms and encourage the patient to seek a counsellor.

A counsellor will listen to the patient's history and determine what management stressing factors could be causing their symptoms. Once the patient gets a handle on the contributing factors for their attacks, a treatment plan would then be set up, based on the patient's situation. A counsellor can help them work through the management stressors and show them ways to alleviate the management stress causing their symptoms.

There are many websites devoted to the use of relaxation techniques that reduce symptoms to a more manageable level and breathing exercises to improve oxygen intake, which could help slow down a racing heart rhythm.

When everyday management stress escalates, there are many ways to settle the overwhelming feelings of edginess. Getting the proper help is a start to calming the anxious emotions raging within you. Finding out what management stressors cause those emotions and learning how to combat them can bring a sense of relief and feelings of comfort to know that there is hope.

Robert Brealey is an internet addict and avid follower of making money online. He has a website that provides valuable information, uncovers the best places to set up a website and gives away a free new ultimate supertip digital download. To take advantage of all this and more make sure you check out Robert’s site at

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Can Tai Chi Ergo Chair improve your health

Tai Chi Chuan is the Chinese martial art of fluid motion; at its root, it promotes health, balanced energy flows and flexibility. Millions of practitioners have used it as a form of exercise, meditation and even as a soft martial-art.

Wouldn't it be cool if you could practice the forms of Tai Chi while sitting down at your office? Well, the Tai Chi Ergo Chair does exactly that. This chair, designed by June Ekman, a dancer and choreographer, and a certified teach of yoga, tai chi and the Alexander Technique, and Larry Wilson, an ergonomicist inspired by Buckmister Fuller, looks like an office chair base attached to a large vinyl ball replacing the seat cushion.

Sitting on the Tai Chi Ergo Chair is a novel experience; you have to constantly flex your thigh and butt muscles as you sit – this causes your body to naturally adjust position, and helps prevent lower back pain and spinal tension; indeed, when you first get the chair, the instructions say to "work into it" slowly – only sit in it for an hour on the first day, two on the second and so on – by the end of the second week, sitting on the chair using an "active sitting" method will become natural to you.

Because the chair requires that you constantly remain in motion, the Tai Chi Ergo Chair is a toning exercise for the core muscle groups of your body. This helps keep your spine moving fluidly as you go about your office work, as opposed to what normally happens in a conventional chair, where people tend to slump, the hips remain locked in a 90 degree position, and your chi sort of drains out because you aren't using your muscles.

In practice, you should think of your spine as being like a kinetic sculpture. It should always be flexing and moving, so that you don't lock into one position entirely. The Tai Chi Ergo Chair helps your spine do this, because in order to remain perched on it, your muscles keep locking and unlocking in sequences, as your inner ears control your balance.

People who use the Tai Chi Ergo Chair notice that their lower back pain eventually goes away, they feel more sexually energized and creative, and they build muscle tone in their thighs, buttocks and abdomen. While it's not the equal to a full on session in the gym, it's likelier that after the end of the day of sitting in one, you'll be less likely to put off going to the gym or working out. Plus, you'll save money on chiropractor bills – the Tai Chi Ergo Chair pays for itself in three or fewer chiropractic visits for most people.

Incidentally, it's also a stylish addition to most office furniture sets, and its quality construction is warrantied for years. It also slides neatly under most desks, making it perfect for a student or dorm room.

For more information and where to get visit Tai Chi Ergo Chair site. Visit for more information of Ergonomic Office Chair

Sunday, October 05, 2008

{{Chronic|Severe} Low Back Pain Treatment: {What Are Your Options|Finding The Right Options}}

{Back pain|Low Back Pain} is a {dibilitating|everyday|familiar} condition {felt|experienced} by {a large majority of people|so many}. {Whether it is caused by a medical condition or a resulting factor such as stress, low back pain can become so|Whether resulting from stress or an underlying medical condition,low back pain can be so} {intolerable|unbearable|excruciating} that it will have you begging for some form of pain killer to {relieve|eliminate} the {discomfort|pain}. To address  this problem, several methods of  back pain treatment have been {developed|produced|formulated} in order to {alleviate|ease} the condition of those who are {experiencing|living with|suffering from} moderate to severe pain.

{Below you will find three|Below I have listed three} {common|popular} {methods|forms} of low back pain treatment.

Treatment One: Medication

Medications are used for those who {experience|go through|suffer from} {back pain|low back pain} at mild, moderate to severe levels. Meds are one of the most {common|familiar|popular|standard|accessible} {methods of back pain treatment|forms of low back pain treatment}. Pain medication has become one of the most effective and safest treatment options for providing relief. {For those who are experiencing mild back pain, the doctor usually orders the lowest forms of analgesics; and for those at the moderate level, anti inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants can be an option for the doctors.|Depending on your level of discomfort, the doctor may prescribe a low dose of analgesics for mild pain. Anti inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants may be used for more moderate levels of back pain.} {If you suffer from a more severe pain, injectable narcotics are used for faster relief|For faster relief from severe pain, injectable narcotics are used}. This kind of medication is usually given to those who suffer from intolerable pain due to a medical condition. By far, medications are the most effective methods of back pain treatment.

Treatment Two: Exercise

Exercise is an excellent form of back pain management. For those who have medical conditions such as slipped or herniated disc, most doctors will prescribe an exercise program to help you find relief from your pain. Pilates is among the most common exercise programs recommended. Through dedicated training on a specific exercise, one can get relieved from back pains easily. This back pain treatment does not only benefit your condition but is advantageous to your health as well.

Treatment Three: Surgery

The last form of back pain treatment is surgery. If the patient can no longer tolerate the pain the he or she feels, a surgery may be performed by the doctor. Among all the other forms of back pain treatment, surgery is the one thing that can help you get rid of the pain forever. Because the medical condition itself is relieved, the back pain subsides as well. However, you need to plan this type of back pain treatment with your doctors so you can be guided and prepared well for the surgery. 

{Of course, before adapting any kind of treatment, always consult with your doctor first.|Remember, always consult with your doctor before starting any form of treatment program.}

Back pain affects more than 65 million Americans every year. Learn how to avoid being one of the statistics.

To Learn More Click Here