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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back Pain Re-visited!

The next time you’re at the doctor’s office, start a conversation with some of the people that are there. What you’ll most likely find is that except for those who are bothered by colds, flu, and infections, almost everyone else is there for back pain. Back ailments are the second most common complaint that people have when visiting their family physician.

In many cases back pain and discomfort are the result of a simple strain and or sprain of the muscles, which usually heal on their own within a few days to a week. But if that back pain continues and is not treated, there’s a chance that it may get worse. In many cases, the back pain is gone temporarily, only to return later.

In a recent study, researchers found that more than one third of the test subjects still had pain for over 30 days! That’s an entire month where each person had difficulty sleeping, showering, doing daily chores, driving and even dressing.

Five years later, the researchers went back to the people in the study to find out how they were doing with their back pain. And believe it or not, 81% of those who had the low back pain for over 30 days still had back pain!

There are some symptoms that can indicate a trip to your family doctor for back pain is the right thing to do. These symptoms include the loss of bowel control or urinary control, when the pain is caused by an injury (there may be internal bleeding), if you have fever, sweating, vomiting and/or weakness along with the back pain, and if your leg, foot, rectum or groin feels numb. In these cases, your chiropractor would no doubt refer you to a family physician.

The best thing you can do when you have back pain and discomfort is to determine the true reason why you have pain. The best place to go for that is to a health practitioner who spent hundreds of hours studying the biomechanics of the back, how all the nerves and blood vessels feed the different muscles and joints of the back, and how to effectively treat the back. That practitioner is not your family physician, who spent very little time on this topic in medical school and may not know how to calculate the degree of curvature of a spinal curvature because his training didn’t include this. However, your Somerville Chiropractor has spent years learning thousands of facts about every related topic and your back. He’s the one who is your greatest resource when it comes to back pain.

Back pain can result from an injury, overuse, poor posture, arthritis and many others. Each one of these causes is treated differently. The answers to specific questions you are asked help determine the diagnosis and why you have your back pain.

After questions in the initial history, an exam is completed. At that time, your chiropractor may take x-rays for more information and to confirm what he suspects. Next, he will determine what stretches, exercises, and additional natural therapies such as cold or hot packs, ultrasound, cold laser treatment or nutritional supplements you need that can relieve your back pain in the shortest period of time.

In one study, participants with long lasting back pain felt improvement soon after starting chiropractic treatment. In another study, it was noted that the relief felt after a month of treatment was often greater than the relief felt from prescription medications or other treatments offered by a family physician. If you have back pain, it’s your time to heal.

Seeing your local Somerville Chiropractor for treatment of your back pain may just be the best way to take care of your back pain.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Usual Reasons Of Pregnancy Back Pain

Hormones during the pregnancy can cause joints to weaken and some forms of exercise can increase the amount of back pain during pregnancy.  Actions that cause a pregnant woman’s extra weight to shift unevenly and cause back pain during their pregnancy can include anything from rolling over in bed to walking to bending over.  There are two main types of pregnancy back pain, lumbar pain and posterior pelvic pain.  Lumbar pain is lower back pain and can be caused by staying in the one position for too long or repeating a motion such as lifting.{Posterior pelvic pain is suffering felt in the back of the pelvis and can extend across the tailbone, pelvic area and even the legs}.  It is not easily relieved and can be brought on by rolling over in bed, climbing stairs and getting out of baths or beds.

Pregnancy back pain can be a major problem for many women.  Too many doctors and women alike seem to accept pregnancy back pain as part of the process but it can cause long-term back problems as well as drastically affecting the lives of sufferers.  Pregnancy back pain can begin in the first trimester and last beyond delivery.  Some simple steps can alleviate or even prevent the chances of experiencing pregnancy back pain.  Minimize the activities that put stress on the back and pelvis such as walking and climbing stairs.Take regular breaks particularly if you are sitting or standing in the same position for extended periods of time.  Do not lift anything heavy and consult your doctor for appropriate exercises designed to strengthen your back muscles.

Consider making an effort to improve your posture and ask your doctor if there is a chance that your exercise regime may put you at risk from pregnancy back pain in the long run.  Once pregnancy back pain occurs, it generally does not stop until after the baby is born.

The author of this article is a Solar Panel and web design expert. His latest ecommerce site is about Bathrooms Remodeling Ideas & Bathrooms Design and Cabinet NZ .

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Looking For The Reason Of Low Back Pain

There are many reasons one may suffer from pain in the lower region of the back.Frequently, and maybe most common, people tend to hurt their backs while removing furniture, picking up something weighty, or working hard manual labor.  This type of stress injury can worsen over time without proper care being taken.  Many a person has had their back “thrown out” after a trip moving to a new location or too much strenuous exercise at the local gym.  If one doesn’t take the proper rest and care required to heal the back, then more permanent damage may result.  Usually inflammation is present within the muscles of the lower back causing pain and sometimes swelling.  Until the inflammation is reduced, there will be no relief from the pain.

Another possible underlying cause of low back pain is a bulging or herniated disk.  For those with degenerative disks in their back, this can be an excruciating experience.The nerve endings between the disks result suffering and pinching, which could even radiate down into the back of the legs as well.Less often, abdominal pain or illness can radiate into the lower back area, resulting a referred suffering in the back in respect that the inflammation in the abdomen.  Kidneys are also located on either side of the lower back, which when infected or inflamed can cause lower back pain.

While many reasons for the pain are possible, there are relatively few options for relief from this pain.  Medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, may provide short-term relief, but do not address underlying causes of low back pain.  Acupuncture or chiropractic care can be very beneficial over the long-term for many, as well as dietary supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, which decrease inflammation in the body.Discovering the reason of low back suffering may take some work, yet knowing the root issue will benefit discover the most impactful therapy.

The author of this article is a Flat Roof Repair and web design expert. His latest ecommerce site is about auto dvd players and Bluetooth GPS .

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chronic Low Back Pain Treatment – Guidelines For Treating Back Pain Problems

There are plenty of treatments that can be chosen, at a number of different costs, and they all give you the same results. That makes it important that the chronic low back pain treatments have some guidelines behind them.

The American Pain Society and the American College of Physicians have worked together and released a set of guidelines that is complete, and tells the doctor what to do for patients that have chronic low back pain.

One necessary thing is stating the cause of the back pain and putting it in the exact category where it´s located, like back pain caused by a congenital condition like scoliosis, or pain caused by mechanical reasons, such as nerve roots, facet joints, disc, traverse process, spinous process or vertebra.

Some other types include tumours, infections and diseases that are not caused by injuries.
Something else that these new guidelines state is that X-rays should have a clear statement of the criteria behind their use before they´re done on a patient. According to the guidelines, the type of the back pain that the patient suffers from should be specified, as well as the causes behind it.

Also, the chronic low back pain treatment rules say that the types of medicine prescribed need to be specified, together with the course of treatment chosen for each patient, according to the back pain nature.

Whatever type of treatment is chosen, whether it´s massage, alternative, prescription, physical therapy or prescription, it should be chosen based on the causes of each back pain and symptoms.

If doctors will use the guidelines for chronic low back pain treatment as they are intended, chances for a treatment that is successful from its early stages are increased. Another good side effect will be that people will go through a smaller number of treatments until they are cured.

Also, it will cost much less to heal a patient with low back pain treatment, if these guidelines will be respected. Since healthcare costs increase every year, these guidelines will insure a much needed relief for authorities and patients.

Discover what are the best chronic low back pain cures. Also learn more cures for lower back pains.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Get Rid of Back Pain with an Ergonomic Office Chair

Many people develop lower back pain as a result of sitting in a desk chair for the greater part of each day. If you already have this condition, it can become even worse. Being seated in a stationary position contributes to pain in the back, neck, shoulders, and arms. It also puts pressure on the spine.

Those who spend a lot of time seated in a desk chair might find themselves slouching. This position places strain on the spinal discs and stretches the ligaments in the spine.If this goes on for too long, it can lead to major damage to the lower back.

However, it's not difficult to address this problem and reduce the pressure on your body. Get yourself the best ergonomic chair you can afford, and use it properly. This type of chair provides maximum support for your back and encourages good posture while sitting.

But it's not good enough to just assemble it and sit down. It's critical that the chair be properly adjusted for the needs of your particular body.

You should adjust the backrest so that it supports the lumbar area of your lower back. Adjust the height of the chair so that your feet are able to rest comfortably on the floor, with your thighs horizontal. Otherwise, you'll need a footrest.

You need to avoid sitting in a position where your feet dangle. This compresses the tissue on the back of your thighs and knees and leads to pain in the lower legs.

There should be a space about the size of your fist between the front of the chair and the back of your knees. If not, then you need to lower the chair a little bit. The seat should be tilted somewhat forward if it can be, which will help to take off even more pressure.

An ergonomic chair is specifically engineered to prevent and eliminate back pain. But for optimal back health, you also need to get up and move around a lot. No matter how comfortable you might feel in your ergonomic chair, prolonged seating is hard on your back.

So you need to be sure to get up and get moving periodically during the day. Stand up, go for a short walk, or even stretch for a few minutes.You'll improve your circulation with even a short burst of activity.

Standard task chairs might be a less expensive choice than ergonomic office chairs. However, they're of little use for the prevention of back pain.Using an ergonomically designed chair is the best way to get rid of any back problems.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Back Stretching Exercises – Simple Back Twist Exercise For Lower Back Pain Relief

One of my favorite back stretching exercises I use, the Back Twist will work your lower back, neck, upper back, waist and hips.

It works in a side twisting action, which is rhythmic and gentle, and limbers the muscles, aligns the vertebrae, boosts the blood circulation and loosens the hips.

But, if you think you might have problems with your neck or back, you should talk with a health professional before trying it.

Back Twist Exercise

1. Keep your feet parallel and your back straight, with the shoulders as apart from each other as possible.

Bend your knees a little.

Let your weight on the legs.

Keep your hands by your sides, hanging loosely.

Look in front of you.

2. Twist your head and upper body (gently) to your RIGHT, until your look is directly behind you.

Don´t do anything special with your hands and arms, just allow them to move on their own, based on the turning movement of the upper body.

Your feet and legs should be kept towards your front all this time, since only the arms and body move.

To make it easier to be straight while doing this exercise, without swaying forwards or backwards, just imagine that your body has a pole in the middle of it, running from the ground, through your spine and up to the top of the head. And, your body twists around the pole in this exercise.

3. Turn back to the front slowly, then keep going and tun to the LEFT, in the same way, until you´re looking behind you, just like you did before. Keep doing this, moving from one side to the other.

Don´t forget that the arms should move naturally, without you interfering in any way. Do the exercise in a continuous movement, without pausing. Build up the torque and speed from the upper body and hips GRADUALLY. Doing this will make the hands to slap your sides and the arms to swing wider.

Start from doing 10-15 twists for each side, and in time get to 30-40 for each side. It shouldn´t take you more than a few minutes.

Don´t stop suddenly when you´re finished with the exercise. Instead, slow down gradually, then return to the position where you started (step 1), leaving your arms to swing until they return to your sides naturally. Take a few deep and slow breaths.

Check out more back stretching exercises that are simple for anyone to do at home at my natural back pain relief site.