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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dealing With Back Pain

Millions of back pain suffers around the world suffer needlessly the fact is they simply don't realize that fortunately, there are terrific options available to deal with your pain and help live a pain-free life.

What Type do You Have?

Before we can tackle the pain we need to isolate what type of pain it is. Lower back pain is the most common, because the lower back can be so easily stressed and worn out.

Before you doctor will be able to offer you any form of treatment, they are going to need to do a few routine tests in order to determine exactly what type of back pain you are dealing with and what the cause of it is.

There are a few common types of tests that your doctor will likely perform on you, these include blood and urine tests which are just to check that the pain is not due to an infection or other systemic problem.

Treatment Ideas

Once this issue is resolved, you will be able to move on and find the appropriate treatment for your back condition. There are some fantastic treatment options available here, but you will want to make sure that you are working together as a team with your doctor. Even if you think you know what is going to work best for you, you really need to trust in your doctor?s professional and experienced advice here, and know that they are going to be able to help you out the most here.

Often the first suggestion that your doctor will recommend is rest, because so many cases of back problems are simply due to stress and exhaustion. If this is not enough however, your doctor may decide to put you on medication, at least until you have found relief of your pain or dealt with the root cause.

The choice of medications can be tricky, because although they may relieve the pain, they also can have side effects so while you gain in one aspect you suffer in another. Therefore it can be quite difficult to decide whether or not you should stay on the medication, and you will probably have to sit down and weigh out the pros and cons to make the right decision for you.

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