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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Low Back Pain Symptoms – Three Things You Should Know.

When it comes to low back pain symptoms, it helps to know the causes. While the result may be the same in spite of of the cause, for some causes there are other options for lower back pain relief. Some are temporary while others offer more permanent relief.


The lower back has bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles and disks. Problems can arise with any of these things. Furthermore, in some people, no definite cause is ever found. In those cases, relief is independence from pain.


  • Strains


The most common reason for low back pain symptoms is damage caused by heavy lifting, a sudden movement that jerked the back a certain way or strained back muscles or ligaments. A muscle spasm in the lower back can also give one low back pain symptoms.


  • Structural Issues


There are some structural things that can cause low back pain symptoms. These include: sciatica, bulging or ruptured disks, osteoporosis and skeletal irregularities of the spine such as scoliosis, and arthritis.


Sciatica is caused by compression of a disk in the spine pressing on a main nerve  (sciatic nerve) that runs the length of the leg. It is felt as a sharp, shooting, pain, usually running through the buttock and down the leg. Sciatica can be felt as very severe back pain. Disks that are not functioning the way they should  can cause a lot of low back pain symptoms. Disks are supposed to be the cushions between the vertebrae. If the disk bulges or ruptures it can compress the nerve and be very painful.


Osteoporosis is a disease where the bones become brittle and porous. This can lead to an increased risk of fractures of the vertebrae, leading to severe pain in the lower back. If the spine curves in a different way, it can cause low back pain symptoms. One condition where the spine curves to the side is scoliosis. If the spine curves too much in any of its curves, it can cause back pain.


Arthritis in the spine can lead to many low back pain symptoms if the person suffers from spinal stenosis. This is caused by the arthritis narrowing the space for the spinal cord. Arthritis can also be in the hips, hands and knees. All of these conditions, once diagnosed, can be treated properly.


  • Serious


There are a few rare yet serious conditions that can lead to low back pain symptoms. If there is a tumor on the spine, it can press on the nerve and cause back pain. If there is an infection in the spine, one will have a fever and warmth in the area of the pain. Finally, there is a neurological problem that can affect the nerve roots for the legs and lower back. With this condition (cauda equine syndrome) there will be weakness in the legs, loss of bowel and/or bladder control, and numbness in the saddle or groin area. 


Back pain affects more than 65 million Americans every year. Learn how to avoid being one of the statistics.




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