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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Get Rid Of Backache With Lower Back Pain Exercises

Whenever you suffer from low back pain you can feel as stiff as a board and as slow as a snail.  The simple actions of bending over, turning, sitting and walking around can feel so uncomfortable and as a consequence, it's ever so tempting to not do any of the things that cause you pain. But you know that that can bring untold complications.  If you do very little it will hurt all the more.  Think of it this way.  When you aren’t doing anything to improve the pain, why would you expect it to improve? In other words, if you don’t do lower back pain exercises, how would you expect the strength to return into the muscles?

Lower back pain is the result of both emotional and physical factors.  They are intertwined and can’t be separated.  Exercises for lower back pain don’t just deal with muscles.  They also deal with your mental state that make you believe lack of exercise is the cure for back pain.  Exercise can help you adjust your mental approach, get some feel-good endorphins flowing and put some strength back into your back.

Naturally, certain types of lower back pain will need surgical intervention if it is a consequence of degeneration.  But even in that situation, exercise serves a similar end.  It can reduce the amount of back pain you are experiencing while waiting for surgery by strengthening the muscles.  Getting your lower back muscles into good shape will also help you recover faster from the surgery.  Exercise is just plain good for you regardless of whether you have back pain or not.

Exercises for lower back pain include a variety of exercises that may combine some aerobic conditioning.  The lower back muscles and bones are just a subset of your overall muscular skeletal structure.  Whatever you do for the lower back benefits the entire system, and this works the opposite way as well.  The better shape your body overall, This inevitably benefits the lower part of your back.  If you are unfit or overweight, both conditions can contribute to lower back pain.

Following is a list of some lower back pain exercises.  These you can practise at home, but if a doctor is overseeing your treatment it’s important to show the physician the plan.  The important thing is to do them regularly.  You can't expect to see much in the way of results, if you stop after only a day or two.  It may be painful to begin with, but if you stay with the program you’ll be amazed at how the pain starts to diminish. 

• Abdominal contractions
• Wall slides or squats
• Straight leg raises
• Alternating knee to chest
• Treadmill
• Stationary bike
• Balance ball arm and leg raises (lie on stomach)

There are others you can do too.  You should start with 3 ten minute sessions a day and add time as your muscles get stronger. Following simple exercises like these will strengthen your back.

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