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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dealing With Low Back Pain

I bet you didn't know that your back muscles are not only conntected to each other but also your neck, arms, legs, and more.  Most people however experience low back pain to one degree or another, and sometimes this pain leads to pain in other areas of the back and sides as well.  There are ways of avoiding, eliminating, and dealing with Chronic Low Back Pain if you know how, and if you understand what typically causes this pain in the first place.

The lower back has the largest grouping of muscles in the back and is the area that does the most work.  These muscles are connected to the hips and leg muscles and also provide support for the upper body at all times, including when you're at rest.  With all this work the lower back does, no wonder many experience low back pain!  It's also true that most people don't know how to protect these muscles and often overuse them or exert them in ways that actually cause injuries or stresses.  Many people give little thought to how they lift their groceries or their children, and overexert themselves when playing golf, racquetball, tennis, or just when working out and lifting weights.  By putting undue stress on this area of the body you're absolutely assured of suffering Chronic Low Back Pain .

Because the lower backs works at all times even when you're at rest, it's important to give it some support in order for those muscles to get a break and have a chance to repair themselves.  When you're in bed, you can alleviate low back pain by putting a pillow under your knees rather than under your feet.  This takes pressure off the areas of the hips and lower back and transfers that pressure to the supported area under the knees.  It's usually best to try this when you're on a soft but firm surface as being on the floor doesn't offer any support and may just aggravate low back pain.  Try this when you're on your mattress or couch instead.

Simple solutions like a heating pad, good massage, and a supportive chair to sit in during the day can also help to alleviate low back pain.  Many people ignore these types of fixes because they assume they're too simple to actually work, but the key is to use these things on a continuous basis.Helping your back with a heading pad, or hot shower wiill help if you have back pain on a daily basis.  Be careful of what and how you lift when it comes to groceries, your golf clubs, and your young children.  Make sure that when you work out or lift weights that you're watching your posture and are using the right muscles and not your back.Taking some time to do these items every day will help ease some of your back pain. is a new website with tons of information on back suffering. If you visit the website today you will get a free ebook with Back Suffering Tips and Tricks just for visiting! Visit BACKSUFFERING.COM now to get your free ebook.

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