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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Key to Treating Chronic Lower Back Pain

If you've done all that you can to treat your Chronic Low Back Pain , you might step back for a minute and consider how and why most people get this condition in the first place.  By better understanding its causes you may then have a better understanding of what to do about it once and for all.  While all cases of Lower Back Pain are different and they all have different causes, most can be traced back to a few common root origins.

I bet you didn't even know that poor posture can be the causes of many people's back pain problems?  Most people ignore their posture or dismiss the idea that something as simple as how you sit or stand can have such an impact, but your posture does have a lot to do with how those muscles work and how they feel.  When you're slouched or hunched over your back muscles are all cramped and bunched up.Sometimes the oxygen and blood flow are impaired.  These muscles aren't supposed to be like this for any length of time, much less all day every day!Sitting up straight and focusing on relaxing your shoulders can really help with lower back pain.Sometimes if you really try to work on your posture and take time during the day to relax and take a few deep breaths, you may help with lower back pain.

Misuse and overextension of the back muscles are also important when it comes to understanding why so many get chronic lower back pain.  Many people don't realize how much damage they're doing every single day by moving their own furniture around, by playing those extended rounds of golf or softball, or of working out and lifting weights with improper form.When performing different activities it is very important to have the correct posture.  If you do anything physical strenuous for any length of time and notice that you have chronic lower back pain afterward you might want to rethink what you're doing or how you're doing it.  Don't stoop over to pick up your kids but bend from the knees.  Keeping your posture upright and relaxed is common advice for most sports, so think about the fact that it might even improve your game, not just relieve your chronic lower back pain! 

This information isn't to say that if you improve your posture or stop picking up your kids that you're guaranteed to be relieved of your chronic lower back pain, but when you realize how hard you're making your lower back work during these activities you then realize that it really could help.  While no one wants to hear that it may be their own fault when they suffer from chronic lower back pain, this also means that they have the power to address the problem as well. is a new website with tons of information on back suffering. If you visit the website today you will get a free ebook with Back Suffering Tips and Tricks just for visiting! Visit BACKSUFFERING.COM now to get your free ebook.

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